Monday 2 March 2015

TASK ONE - Creative presence

what should your identity cover about you?
i want my identity to show that I'm delicate/pay attention to detail into briefs i have been ask to complete. i want it to coney my tone of voice so people can see what type of work i am capable of and if i am the right person for the job they want doing.

is it actually important to have a identity as a illustrator?
after taling to john about my worries of not actually knowing what type of illustrator i am and why type of issues i like to illustrate (political, humorous, editorial, commercial etc) he assured me that you identity can be anything. whatever floats your boat, makes you you. it can change. if your more serious, do a serious identity, if your work is funny, illustrate a funny identity. - JUST GET YOUR PERSONALITY OUT THERE.
however i do think it is very important to set yourself apart from others, be it by my tone of voice, or the type of things i like to create with my chosen style.

what could be included in your pack and why?
business cards - with appropriate contact info
online presence - so people can see the broader range of things i have do and I'm capable of doing
creative cv - for me to communicate myself for people to understand me and my work as a person and a creative.
bookmarks- a way of advertising and making people remember my work.
pen pots. (stationary)- promotional - keep it in a context of creativity.
magnets - memorable burst - every time they go to the fridge they will be reminded of my work.
Small prints.
these could all be contained or presented in a box, (promotional pack)

what are you wanting to achieve by producing promotional items?
i feel this will allow me to in-visage how my work can be outputted in a commercial and promotional style which will not only allow me to think about how to make work for these context and in a professional manner, but will also allow others to see my work and think of me as a professional.

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