Monday 2 March 2015

ppp-2nd march.

  • how life has informed/influence her work

dont always have to operate under your own name- can create a name (remembrable)

the guardian- professional illustrators.  

do ppp mock up promo cards!
OR any promotional wear to jog someones memory. 

is it important to leave the back white - gives space to write on 

jackson pollic 

just cos we are creatives doesnt mean we can’t have terms and conditions.- pricing, legal problems. 


decide how you can get your personality, creativity, product out there. 

evaluate research you have collected (pinkest, tumblr etc) and see where your interest seem to lie.

how do you decide how to price your work
 - depends how intensive your work is.- the thought behind it, 
make sure you get these things upfront before starting, agree the price, tell them how you want to get paid. 50% up front,50% on completion - so no one ends up upset! - me or the person who has given me the brief.  first thing you should ask - do you have a budget to this? negotiation. DONT START CHEAP, as they will use you again and again and you then can’t ask for more. 
NEED A PURCHASE ORDER-ask for this. accounts department are your best friend if you have this. 
use copyright so you own it before they pay you.

good thing about email- dated and time stamp. 


correlation between doing something you love and being able to live. 

if you put anything on bechance- make sure you put a copy right symbol.

circumvent everything at the begining so it doesn’t bite you after. 

dont try to be professional ( on tumblr, pinterest) someone who might see some of your ‘crap’ work and like that more.  

£25-30 a hour?

semore s
knuckle glazor, - 

identity can chance- can be anything - whatever floats your boat.
serious, funny, political -JUST GET YOUR PERSONALITY OUT THERE. 
i dont nescessesary know what genre of illustration i fit into (commercial, editrorial, reportage, narrative) 
DONT NEED TO. just use it as something to draw them in. something creative to look at. 
illustrator with a ‘sense or humour’ 'that cares’

DRIBBBLE - identity name. 



open a dictionary and look for a word.

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