Monday 2 March 2015

creative cv ideas

i think this is a really good idea- dedicating a whole page(back) to visually communicating my identity that is described in writing with my cv. it allows the reader to focus on the info without getting distracted. however does this take away from the fact that i am trying to create a creative cv without involving creativity in with the writing?

invovling the creativity among the writing- though this is involved with the writing, i like how the 2 are separate and therefore the reader can read the info clearly. 

making the cv not look like paperwork. - from my own point of view, i find when i am presented with  a written document, i loose interest fairly quickly and find it hard to take information in (usually understand better if its visually presented to me!) so in that way, i think using different fonts, images, drawings to communicate the information makes the document look more fun and a piece of art rather than a piece of writing!

other ways of making my cv not look like a document. i like the way this person has drawn a portrait of herself to go with her portrait, in the same way a photograph would, this will jog the readers memory of who's the cv is, but i a creative manner. very clever. at first glance at this cv, a recipe layout instantly spang to my mind. this made me think of perhaps using the concept of a recipe to communicate myself- each section explained (qualifications, statement, skills etc) is a ingredient that makes up my identity. 

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