Saturday 15 March 2014

what is illustration part 2- what is illustration

what is illustration?
  • Function - editorial, advertising, character design, publishing, fashion, product, packaging, concept art....
  • Content / Message - political, satirical, humour, emotive, tone of voice .......
  • Process / Media - print, collage, digital, mixed media, 3D, paint, brush, line.......
  • Aesthetic - Colour, tone, texture, composition, technical, detailed, analogue, digital, shape....
  • Context - large scale, gallery, street art, sketchbook, conceptual development, commercial, independent, graphic art
  • Practitioners - Illustration, agency, client, production house.....
  • Audience - children, sub cultures, fans, 
from previous blogs post plus new. 

richard martinez - editorial 
Funtion - richard martinez 
i think this piece really captures the likeness of both people. i like how the illustrator has eagirated parts of the figures to make them more distinctive and recognisable. i think he has carefully considered composition which makes this editorial piece mrs effective. 

                                                                editorial - charis tsevis 

A collection of illustrations created the last 12 months and published around the globe.Hugh Laurie for TV GuideA mosaic portrait of Hugh Laurie (Dr.House) made out of pills for the cover of TV GUIDE Magazine (USA)

i love how this illustrator has combined the editorial story into the illustration practically, which gives the piece a much stronger concept. i have always appreciated work which has a hidden meaning/ subtle objects which make up a illustration and are only visible when seen unclose - this pieces from afar just looks like a detailed colourful portrait, whereas up close the concept of drugs make up the image. 

concept illustration -i really like the minimalistic approach to this piece. the illustrator has really concided background research and cultural knowledge of brands in this piece, cleverly creating a strong connection between the cheese and the brand through cultural understanding of codes. -ie logos, colour schemes.
this is something i have always loved about creating and researching into illustration, the way they can connect to a audience without having to use words.

fashion illustration- Richard Kilroy - his fashion piece by Richard Kilroy guides viewers eyes to the main subject of the illustration (clothing) by making other elements in the drawing less important with minimal detail and empty spaces. this shows clever and carful consideration of how to make the illustration unique and maintain interest. 

little chilli- 
this illustrator has used composition and negative space to create a effective concept. i really like how he considered both literal terms of the work ‘little chilli’ by illustrating a  lilttle chilli that also looks chilly. 



Lydon Hayes


detail -Emma  kelly 

mixed media - Kari Herer


Shirley Hughes 

Eric Carle 

Bansky - street art 

Ernest Zacharevic - street art  - i think the combination of a 3d object with a 2d painting is really effective, i think he’s concept and thinking behind the image really sets a life like motion scene in your head, or even makes you remember similar memories - linking the object to your own memories. this is something we all do to certain objects, but Zacharevis has managed to capture it in a illustration. 
graphic illustration  - graphic illustration. i feel the combination of digital editing and pen lines are really interesting, i think if the giraffe was solely created using he same media it would not have the same effect. the inaccuracy of the paint that has been added  adds a certain motion to the illustration and connotes movement and life. the colour pallet is also very interesting as they are not necessarily true to life - however the colours chosen compliment each other and match up to the same tones and shades of the original/life like colours. 
if i has to alter anything about the image, i would probably add thicker line work to some areas of the giraffe, such as the left side of the neck and underneath the chin to represent shadows and add depth to the image, i feel without that definition the next area seems a slightly overwhelmed by the amount of colour added to the are

Van Gogh-Sketch book work 

Pondly- large scale illustration 

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