Monday 3 March 2014

Monday 3rd march

Reflect on progress so far-

Benefits of PPP regarding professional practice:
•makes me look for inspiration
•my blog proves I like a certain type of illustration. 
•allows me to take elements from a variety of illustration and elaborate or combine styles. 
•good to keep a record of illustrations I have liked, as these may change over time so it is interesting to see my development. 
•though a lot of the illustration styles I have posted are similar , I have surprised myself at likeing illustrations that are completly opposite to the type I do, makes me realise there are no limitations to the styles I like and I can loosen up and experiment with these no i know detail illustration are not nescessarily a main priority for a effective illustration. 
•PPP is a helpful documenting tool, shoes my progress as a illustrator. 
•useful to see what type of illustration is current and where it is used in industry. 

What problems have I encountered when looking at PPP? 
is sometimes over whelming at how good some illustrations are and therefore makes me think I won't achieve as good of tone of voice. 
• maybe I see to much that I like and try and recreate more method in one style/illustration 
•worried that I am just mimicing their style. 
•independent blog so have a tendency to leave it. 
•no one checks it so we don't know if we've doing it right.
•difficult to find new and different illustrators. 
•visiting professionals sometimes worry as they seem very driven and more motivated then me yet still struggle to get jobs sometimes. 

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