Friday 24 January 2014

visiting lecturers - Mr Bingo

key advise/ info i found out from he's talk:

  • he uses photos to draw from- takes he's own references images to get a accurate view of what he is trying to create.
  • one of the most important things in he's work is finding quality reference material.
  • 'everything is art'- showed is some pictures of painted walls that have different blocks of colour painted on them to cover up graffiti.
  • everything you see is art- pavements with shapes in etc
  • mistakes are art.
  • sometimes the most simple ideas are the ones that make a commercial success- e.g. he's drawings of just hair, no heads. amy winehouse commission. 
  • 'all companies want to be funny'
  • high risk strategies are sometimes good to use to get noticed.

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