Sunday 19 July 2015

learning to drive

As i mentioned in a previous post, my parents have recently moved out of town, and unfortunately for me, i am unable to get anywhere without driving... and i cant drive. this summer my aim is to pass my driving test as i feel it is vital for me to have a driving licence for when i finish uni, if i find myself back at home (working from home). This will hopefully make me more employable for jobs that require travel or even interviews/meeting that require me to get somewhere. I also want to pass to give me more independence in general, being back at easter and so far this summer, i have felt very reliant on other people, and haven't been able to do things i have wanted.

its all well and good wanting to learn to drive, but this comes at a price, and because i live out of town, my lessons are costing me £40 a lesson (as they are 2 hour lessons)  which will set me back £40-£80 a week depending on how many lessons i have....  this called for a job and a job fast!

i went back to work at the lighthouse, a cafe in windermere, as these hours were really flexible, giving me whatever time i wanted off and as many hours i could do- even though it did take me half an hour-hour to get there.
i did 12 hour shifts 3-4 days a week- this was horrible.

though this job wasn't to do with illustration, it gave me days off to think about level 6 and potentially what i wanted to do after uni. and as i wanted money fast, i couldn't reply on getting illustration work.

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