Monday 23 February 2015

first creative presence lecture

i would suggest is to arm yourself with the most basic form of
communication you can…

a business card. It needs to communicate. Your name, what you are/do. and all methods of getting in touch with you.That means, telephone, address (if you really want to? but a letter from a company
or individual is really worth getting) email and I would suggest Skype address, as this
is a growing method of communication across all computer operating systems (Mac and PC).

 If you do not have a portfolio that is completed at this stage, we need to consider what we can send, hand in or deliver?

The easiest and more consistent (even though it will change and develop constantly) is what I would describe as a Creative CV.

Not the dry, academic CV we tend to see around. You are a Creative, so think and address this in a creative manner. Treat it as a brief, communicating why they should want/need to talk to you. Tackle it professionally, write the brief, get someone to read and comment and review. Communicate:

  • who you are 
  • what you do 
  • why you are contacting them
  • your skills
  • what you want from them 
  • make sure they remember you: a photograph-memory jogger

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