Monday 23 February 2015

first creative presence lecture

a brand: a percived emotional corporate iamge as a whole
an identity: the 'visual' elements that form a part of a overall brand
a logo: the identity of the overall brand in its simplest form

why do we need a indentity at all?
to be different and stand out
what do we need to communicate: a product, a brand, a reason to purchase

product - YOU
range - portfolio of services YOU offer
distribution - methods and platforms YOU consider that communicate through means of consideration, investigation and evaluation that can educate your specific potential market.

2 primary vehicals to employ:
printed material-
time to be creative as you can with all forms of print that will illustration YOU specifically as a stand out creative mind.
digital material -
online presence that will exhibit creativity, innovation and what shows YOU as a cross media Operator


To prepare an individual identity based on YOU as a product, to be valid in communicating WHO and WHAT you are and the services you offer. You should consider all methods of communication, evaluate, document (PPP Blog) your process and delivery. A pack that will communicate these 
in any form you think appropriate.

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