Friday 27 February 2015

Branding yourself - Laura Diaz


Laura uses the same tone of voice throughout many platforms of her visually promotion. such as font, images/illustrations, colours, layout. i think this looks very professional.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Organising module information to gets better understanding of what is being asked of Me. 

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Evaluation of exhibiton

What we will do better next time 

10 sucsesses of 'off the page' exhibition

1.lots of people that we didn't recognise 
2.some people actually bought work 
3.good vibes 
4.people were impressed longer in a little bubble 
6.people asked questions 
7.seen the exhibition as a starting point of what we can be achieve. debate about the work didn't look like a student show 
10. Independently and professionally driven -hanging work, pricing...
11.each team succeeded at their job (hang team, drinks team, promo team) 

Monday 23 February 2015

first creative presence lecture

i would suggest is to arm yourself with the most basic form of
communication you can…

a business card. It needs to communicate. Your name, what you are/do. and all methods of getting in touch with you.That means, telephone, address (if you really want to? but a letter from a company
or individual is really worth getting) email and I would suggest Skype address, as this
is a growing method of communication across all computer operating systems (Mac and PC).

 If you do not have a portfolio that is completed at this stage, we need to consider what we can send, hand in or deliver?

The easiest and more consistent (even though it will change and develop constantly) is what I would describe as a Creative CV.

Not the dry, academic CV we tend to see around. You are a Creative, so think and address this in a creative manner. Treat it as a brief, communicating why they should want/need to talk to you. Tackle it professionally, write the brief, get someone to read and comment and review. Communicate:

  • who you are 
  • what you do 
  • why you are contacting them
  • your skills
  • what you want from them 
  • make sure they remember you: a photograph-memory jogger

first creative presence lecture

a brand: a percived emotional corporate iamge as a whole
an identity: the 'visual' elements that form a part of a overall brand
a logo: the identity of the overall brand in its simplest form

why do we need a indentity at all?
to be different and stand out
what do we need to communicate: a product, a brand, a reason to purchase

product - YOU
range - portfolio of services YOU offer
distribution - methods and platforms YOU consider that communicate through means of consideration, investigation and evaluation that can educate your specific potential market.

2 primary vehicals to employ:
printed material-
time to be creative as you can with all forms of print that will illustration YOU specifically as a stand out creative mind.
digital material -
online presence that will exhibit creativity, innovation and what shows YOU as a cross media Operator


To prepare an individual identity based on YOU as a product, to be valid in communicating WHO and WHAT you are and the services you offer. You should consider all methods of communication, evaluate, document (PPP Blog) your process and delivery. A pack that will communicate these 
in any form you think appropriate.

notes on session with John.

carry a business card everywhere!

-on the train, plain


poepie want to know about you - what do you like doing!-will have a influence on the way you work
-show your not boring

chose how you become available - you dont have to be available all the time (communicated) 

dont be afraid to speak/contact to professionals 
  • BUT you should have a reason or a plan to contact them, a question
'who gave you your first commission?’

getting to know your ‘peers’ within the industry is beneficial in many ways.

feedback- u dont have to use it. 
visits - Skype 

what am i interested in-make a list so you know!! think about it!

we can’t stop having opinions

why are you contacting me?
what do you want from me?
in what way do you want them to respond?

TASK: investigate a list of methods you can employ to contact other creatives studios or agents.

post your views on them on pop blog and why each are potentially a good one to contact and will move on to the next phase.

if your creative- you will find your niche 

linkenin- useful tool for networking 
25,000,000 contributors 
proffessionals and budding professionals to are ready to talk 

opportunity to air your views and join a conversation. 


'shy bairns get nowt!'
lifes to short 
dont stop yourselves from doing something 
'whatever floats your boat'
whatever makes you who you are'

'why do people put themselves down' 'glass always half empty' 

just because someone has put a deadline on something, doesn't mean it can be changed- talk to them. - you work at your own path, in certain scenario's - 3 or 4 days could make the difference. 

how it should work :
primary contact - 2nd tier contact -3rd tier -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier 
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                  -3rd tier   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier 
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                   -3rd tier   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier 
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier   
                         - 2nd tier contact -3rd tier -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier 
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                   -3rd tier   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier 
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                   -3rd tier   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier 
                                                                   -4th tier
                                                                   -4th tier  


Monday 16 February 2015


what should your identity convey about you?
ia it actually important to have an identity as an illustrator?
what could be included in your pack and why?
what are you wanting to achieve to producing promotional items?

  • how life has informed/influence her work

dont always have to operate under your own name- can create a name (remembrable)

the guardian- professional illustrators.  

do ppp mock up promo cards!
OR any promotional wear to jog someones memory. 

is it important to leave the back white - gives space to write on 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

postcards for ants -Lorraine Loots

commercial illustration

illustrations that have been reformatted and applied to different formats - great to see how each product all maintains the same tone of voice/recognisable brand identity. 

think this is a really cute idea of individual business cards.
the face they are in envelopes would hopefully make the client (or whoever been given one) feel personally addressed, something john says they love - like opening presents at christmas, the element of surprise. 

Christina troufa

Add caption

Monday 2 February 2015

Life's a pitch presentation

It was interesting to here everyone else's pitch ideas, especially when everyone's pitch was so different. Though I feel the information we shared in our presentation was good, I think we could of delivered it better, to improve I would try not to use notes/read directly from notes as this becomes monotone and boring. I was really impressed with groups that made there own mechanise for the presentations such as leaflets, business cards, stickers, I'm professional presentations I think these would be a good way for the board to remember you after you've left.

Life's a pitch presentations

As a group I think we contributed to the presentation slides equally, though we were in charge of certain slides, I think It was good that we regularly made time to meet and discuss information we had put on the slides and see if there was anything as a group we needed to add.

Hand stitched key rings

I saw these key rings in a gift shop, I really like how there made out of a random shape of leather but become recognisable after the detailed sticthing is added 

final presentation ready to present.