Wednesday 16 April 2014

figure work

i really love the human figure, unfortunately this year, i have not really allowed myself to produce figurative work. next year i definitely plan to go to life drawing classes, when i have previously taken life drawings, i have always had realism and detail in my head, which i feel spoilt my experience. from informing myself with life drawing illustration over this year, i realise i much prefer the loose free fluid lined illustrations which are perhaps exaggerated version of the figure they are viewing. i think they are more unique and interesting to see how differently people see/depict the same figure.  i love the looseness of lines created in these illustrations below.

simular to other work i have mentioned in my pop blog, i really like the unfinished quality to the pieces above, the subject is still obviously communicated without having to show a finished piece.

Adara Sánchez Anguiano

i really like the multiple lines used on this drawing, i think it adds motion to the piece and makes it alive somehow. 

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