Wednesday 23 December 2015

trying to use linkedin for advice and to bring awareness to my work

I've seen a few people use linked in to spark up conversations and advice on things they have been working on, i have not quite got the hang of what to do on linkedin yet or use it as much as i should so i thought i would give it a go!

Sunday 6 December 2015

email to Central illustration agency

I have been a keen stalker of the contemporary illustrators you represent as an agency for a while now, and it would be a privilege to get involved with your company. My work would have great symmetry to the practitioners you represent, yet will offer innovation and an alternative working approach amongst your 
existing illustrators. 

I have added the 6 images of my work that I think would be of particular interest to you.

Thank you very much for your time.

Awaiting your reply,

Rebecca Williamson 

after talking to john he suggested changing the email as it was to formal (highlighted the formal parts on email above i was going to send) so suggested this instead:

Good Morning.

As an avid follower of the Central Illustration agency site, and almost becoming a stalker, I have at last plucked up the courage to contact you as I feel my work has some synergy with that I have seen illustrated on your site.
I would really love some feedback on my work and a tentative wish to be part of the CIA portfolio? Therefore I have added some images for you to evaluate and that I feel may 'whet' your appetite.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


'about me' section on website

After talking to patrick, he suggested that i change my bio on my website a little bit, removing words such as 'i like to'  and 'i hope' - these type of words don't fill clients with confidence about my work and about my own confidence in myself as a practitioner! 
he also suggested making a bit shorted. 

Within my practice I enjoy creating detailed work about people or subjects that have a profound story behind them, I like to convey deeper meanings within my work to illustrate a stronger thought-provoking concept by gathering substantial research to gain a better understanding. I hope that by exploring subjects intently, my illustrations will express my empathy towards the matter and justify them. 

When I am not enthralled in my illustrations, you would usually find me with my other passions in life; friends, family, walking (to the fridge), traveling and singing in the shower – a daily ritual. 

i enjoy using detail as a way to express empathy within my work, forming personal and relatable connections between my illustrations and the viewer. i usually use a mixture of pencils, watercolour and fine-liner to create my pieces, sometimes add colour digitally using photoshop. 

when i am not illustrating, you would usually find me with my other passions in life; friends, family, walking (to the fridge), traveling and singing in the shower – a daily ritual.