Tuesday 22 September 2015

Discussing future

As the majority of my house mates are going into third year like me we disused what we thought about doing next year. 
Ma- a few suggested a masters in a more specific area of study.
This is something I could consider to make myself not certain and clarity a more direct career path for my self as at the moment I am very wary of what type of jobs I should apply for that would stand me above other creatives who perhaps would be more fitted to jobs with specific roles. I also I'm wary of remaining in educations for another few years, personally I want to begin my career as soon as possible and feel further education may tire me more making me less enthused about illustration due to education demands! I want to feel I am getting somewhere!
Applying for internships- 
This is something I am really interested in as I feel it will introduce me to the world or work in a creative field. However again, I am un-knowledgable about the types of internships I could  apply for to suit my practice and what type of internship/company would want me, i also don't know weather this would benefit my practice/introduce me to work. would i just be used for jobs people higher up dont want to do then be left when my internship had finished?
A year out-
As I mentioned before, the idea of further education tries me, I am considering taking a year out traveling round places which I haven't been able to in the past due to education commitments. I feel this will take me out of my own 'little bubble' I have been trapped in for 4 years of foundation degrees and uni! I feel The experiences I could have would make me a more open and adventurous as a creative. 

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