Friday 25 September 2015

Illustration agencies

Discussing the idea of signing up/contacting illustration agencies to display my work so clients requesting would be able to find me.
This would be something I could consider after uni (now even!). I would need to have another job as a slide line for money at the beginning until I gradually get me recognised for commissions.

Central agency 
Illustration agencies 
Heart agency 

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Discussing future

As the majority of my house mates are going into third year like me we disused what we thought about doing next year. 
Ma- a few suggested a masters in a more specific area of study.
This is something I could consider to make myself not certain and clarity a more direct career path for my self as at the moment I am very wary of what type of jobs I should apply for that would stand me above other creatives who perhaps would be more fitted to jobs with specific roles. I also I'm wary of remaining in educations for another few years, personally I want to begin my career as soon as possible and feel further education may tire me more making me less enthused about illustration due to education demands! I want to feel I am getting somewhere!
Applying for internships- 
This is something I am really interested in as I feel it will introduce me to the world or work in a creative field. However again, I am un-knowledgable about the types of internships I could  apply for to suit my practice and what type of internship/company would want me, i also don't know weather this would benefit my practice/introduce me to work. would i just be used for jobs people higher up dont want to do then be left when my internship had finished?
A year out-
As I mentioned before, the idea of further education tries me, I am considering taking a year out traveling round places which I haven't been able to in the past due to education commitments. I feel this will take me out of my own 'little bubble' I have been trapped in for 4 years of foundation degrees and uni! I feel The experiences I could have would make me a more open and adventurous as a creative. 

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Michael wolf - ycn awards night

though i had never heard of Michael wolf before it was great to be able to listen to his speach about his career and advice about the creative industry.
he was really passioned and his personal creative opinions and ideas of what is 'good' design.
this is something i need to remember myself - keep having opions on things, produce things i love and want to produce - if i stop doing this my practice will suffer as i will loose all creativity, emotion and passion from the pieces i make.