Wednesday 11 December 2013

Javier Pérez

i think these pieces are conceptually brilliant. i love the simplicity of them and how you can immediately understand what the artist is trying to convey with the use of one object and a few sketched lines. this had made me re-think my approaches to creating illustrations- i have always tried to add as much detail as possible as i always have felt i need to make what ever i draw obvious/true to life, where infact, this isn't necessarily needed to make a effective piece.

though they are simple and are quickly produced, i feel they still carry a huge impact. i like how this illustrator has used day to day object and applied he's imagination to them using simple line work, it really makes you see things differently, without the small amount of lines added the objects would have no relevance at all, but he has managed to give them a whole different meaning. 

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