Saturday 19 October 2013

why am i here? what do i want to learn?

  • identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this programme.

  • Identify and explain 5 skills that you think are your strengths.
  • Identify and explain 5 things that you want to improve.
  • Identify and explain 5 ways in which you will evaluate your progress
reasons why i chose to study illustration at leeds collage of art:
i liked to work to a specific brief
i understand that leeds collage of art has a good reputation so therefore hope i will get the most out of my degree here. 

5 thinks i want to learn

to evolve my practice through experimentation - i would like to find a technique that is different, rather than just producing detail drawings which i currently do, as i feel this are not interesting or unique. 

how to make my work look professional- prehaps with the use of photoshop i can learn now to clean up my work.

how to become recognised or considered by clients- from these 3 years i hope it will introduce me to the 'real word' and teach me how to 'sell' my work and attempt to make it as a illustrator. 

what a illustrator is. i feel i know very little about illustration as a whole and who and what is classed as illustration / illustrators. i want to find out what path ways illustration can lead you. 

i would like to learn about different medias i could use other than the basics i have been taught in lower education. i hope by interacting with other illustrators with different preferred ways of working, i will be influenced by their techniques and tools they use to create work. 


5 things i want to improve:
messages behind my work- in the past i have tended to go ahead with creating work from my first idea, instead of developing them with research and experimentation.

discovering my own techniques instead of copying other artists- instead of working it out through play, i have tended to come across work i like and tried to use the same techniques for my own work, therefore this is not my own. 

to venture out of my comfort zone: i really hope this year i will be brave and experiment with other techniques, though in the past i have hated doing this because i feel my strengths lie in detail, i hope i will be able to apply detail using other medias other then pencil, or maybe combining detail with other medias/techniques. 

becoming more free: though i do prefer to work in detail, i feel sometimes this is a weakness of mine as i want everything to be perfect, i always have a fear of producing bad work i dont want to show, and therefore tend to spend a long time on one piece rather then producing a number of illustrations which show development. 

composition- i want to learn how to create work to which will have the most impact. 


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