Tuesday 25 February 2014

Chuck Close

used to paint with a stick
further away form the the image- the image with appear to blend together to create detail painting.

Aubrey Beardsley - vector

from the illustration workshops we have been doing, james introduced us to Aubrey Beardley, a illustrator that works with line vectors.

Friday 21 February 2014

Richard Kilroy

i like how negative space plays a big part in making these illustrations effective.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

talking heads - ralph stedman

key quotes and point made:

'if its not exciting for me-what the hell is it going to do for someone else'

'shouldn't be like a job, should be a cause, something you have to do'

  • you have to make people angry or amuse them etc or its just a drawing filling a space. 
  • cave painters- first paparazzi 
  • you need to experience what you are 'doing' become the story.
  • how to overcome a 'empty canvas'- make a splat.
do you ever make mistakes?
'no such thing as a mistake- its the start of something else.

  • he partly draws and partly collages - fusible collection 
do you do preliminary drawings first?
'dont rub out - opportunity to do something else, you've started the thought process. 

'dedicate your life to making mistakes-good one.'

'mistakes made can be made into backgrounds'

'don't be preachy, be objective, be kind, hope for a better world'

'be true to yourself, be honest in your work.'

ralph: 'why are we doing this?'
hunter: 'for no good reason ralph'
just do it.

  • he uses paper he uses for under sheets which get splashes of ink of as collage material for other drawings.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Thomas Cian

i love the muted subtle tone to these beautiful detailed illustrations. i liked how the illustrator bleeds the illustration over 2 pages in the sketch book.

Monday 3 February 2014

jo in hyuk

graphic designer, illustrator, costume designer.
similar to the pencil with collage clothes/coloured clothes technique i have started to develop/
i really like the use of watercolour paint to show patterns in the clothing, i think the looseness of the watercolour works well against the grey sketchy lines of the portrait.
though it works well, i am not a huge fan of the drawing technique applied, i think it looks a bit digitalised with the definite lines instead of showing shadow but blending the pencil.